Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Growing Up

It's crazy to me, still, that my brother is married. Sometimes it still feels like we should be in our childhood days of picking on each other and pushing each others buttons until the other can't take it. I think I've missed my brother more now that he is married than when he was just a single guy. He hasn't changed, he's still the big huge goofy guy we all know but now it's like he has another life. He has a wife, Laci and a baby girl, Kailyn on the way. I couldn't be more proud of him. It's so funny, when he first got married he would always hang out here at my parents house playing video games, watching tv and using our computer for HOURS. We would have to remind him that he was married and he had to go home to his wife! Now four and a half months later it seems like I hardly see him. I love that being around my big brother I can be myself by acting crazy, sharing my frustrations and emotions. I can't wait to get married and have kids so our families can grow together!


Anonymous said...

This is absolute insanity...two posts in one week...KEEP it up girl!
Such a sweet post about Manuel. There is nothing better than family!

Oh and if you need a topic to write about...I'll send you some interview questions.

Megan said...

I love it Amanders! What a lucky brother you have- you are so natural at investing in the lives of people around you!

Anonymous said...

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